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The Shopping Cart Contains:

Total Items: 6  Weight: 10.76kg  Amount: 4,786.50 EUR

Remove Product(s) Qty. Unit Price Total
Capillary holder - N
72.50 EUR 72.50 EUR
Air Drier
195.00 EUR 195.00 EUR
Calibration solution 3-Carboxy-proxyl
54.00 EUR 54.00 EUR
Air pump
240.00 EUR 240.00 EUR
Capillary Treatment Chamber
4,200.00 EUR 4,200.00 EUR
ESR - Krebs HEPES Buffer VIT (KHB-VIT)
25.00 EUR 25.00 EUR

Sub-Total: 4,786.50 EUR

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ESR- Starter Kit (NO and O2- Detection)

ESR- Starter Kit (NO and O2- Detection)
1,921.50 EUR  1,537.20 EUR
20% off


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