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Detection of ROS and NO in Vivo and Vitro

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Detection of CP�-radicals and NO-Hb complexes in blood. (A) EPR spectra of CP�-radical (spectrum a) and NO-Hb complex (spectrum b) recorded at liquid nitrogen temperature. (B) Separation of NO-Hb and CP�-radical signals using power saturation. Pure NO-Hb signal can be obtained at high power (32 mW or more) when CP� signal is saturated (spectrum d). Pure CP� spectrum is obtained by subtraction of spectrum d from mixed spectrum obtained at 1 mW(spectrum c). (C) Power saturation curves of CP� and NO-Hb signals.

Kozlov A.V. et all. FRBM, 2003: Vol. 34, pp. 1555�1562

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Generation of NO and RONS in blood of control animals (n=9) and animals receiving LPS (n= 8). (A) Generation of RONS was followed by CP�-radical signal. The rate of RONS generation in control and LPS challenged animals was 27�3 nM/min and 68�4 nM/min, respectively. (B) Generation of NO was followed by detection of NO-Hb signal. The rate of NO generation in control animals and in animals receiving LPS was 1�3 nM/min and 89�8 nM/min, respectively.

Kozlov A.V. et all. FRBM, 2003: Vol. 34, pp. 1555�1562

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