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Oxyethidium - 200µM

Oxyethidium - 200µM
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476.00 EUR
Model: NOX-14.1-200µM
Manufactured by: Noxygen

Quantity in Cart: 1

Represents a new, convenient, quantitative method for the detection of superoxide
in intact cells and tissues High selective, supersensitive method for detection of
superoxide using HPLC.

(3,8-Diamino-5-oxy-6-hydro-5-ethyl-6-phenylphenanthridine - 200µL of 200 µM solution)


  1. Fink B. et al. Detection of intracellular superoxide formation in endothelial cells and intact tissues using dihydroethidium and an HPLC-based assay Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2004; 4: C895-902

Current Reviews: 0

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